9 ways to make your B2B content stand out

Content marketing can be hugely effective, but with so much content vying for peoples attention, how do you get your carefully crafted words noticed?

Photo by Christopher Rusev on Unsplash

There is a misconception that B2B content must be written and presented in a certain way.

If you step away from the preconceived ideas and take a different path, there are lots of ways you can easily make your content stand out from the crowd – and more readable.

Here are 9 ideas to get you started:

1. Write a cracking headline

Your headline needs to tell people what the piece is about and intrigue them, so they want to find out more. People don’t click through to read out of charity or mild curiosity, so your headline has to be something they think might be interesting, useful or entertaining.

2. Tell stories

People love stories, it’s human. Writing in a way that tells a story, that takes readers on a journey or evokes the mood or setting can be a compelling way to present information.

3. Use quotes

A pithy quote can grab attention, particularly if it is a view that seems initially incongruous to popular opinion. Use in a headline or as an opener for the piece.

4. Talk about the process

So much B2B content is focused on the end result of your work, but there is great value in talking about how you got there, decisions made, problems solved, lessons learned.

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